All began with... a brief (provided by my teachers)
Based on Mandalorian's spatial bases, I did a concept of my basis, then I made its blocking in Maya.
I was as modular as possible, what was useful to add the extra lower part (see below)
To add details on the surface, I modeled some kitbashes to apply everywhere in my final basis.
My basis lookdev
The final Maya scene (with the mesh of the mountain, the lights and the rigs)
In post-production I developed a workflow to add some texture via a Substance 3D Painter map. Then I could increase the realism of the scenery with moss and dust.
A frame of the final video.
Galactic Empire's Patrol (+ VFX Breakdown)
CG integration of a space base and Tie fighters (Starwars) in a video shot.
I was in charge of every aspect, except the modeling (Andrey Kramer) and lookdev (Vincent Tinguely) of the Tie fighters and the environment shooting (21aerials).
The set extension was created by using Photoshop and integrated with Nuke.
(Modeling and lookdev : Maya / Texturing : Substance 3D Painter / Mattepainting : Photoshop / Tracking, compositing : Nuke / Post-production : Nuke, Da Vinci Resolve)